Michael Dörmann


Seminartournee Wayne Houchin - 2017

Wayne Houchin


Das Genii Magazine nennt Wayne Houchin, "Einen der heißesten Magier des Planeten!" Von ihm stammen einige der populärsten Zaubertricks des letzten Jahrzehnts, er hat mit Criss Angel an der TV Show Mindfreak gearbeitet, ist der Star von Discovery Channel's "Breaking Magic" und ist in mehr als 20 Ländern aufgetreten. Bei uns ist er der Star der Fernsehserie Street Magic auf dem Sender DMAX. Gleichzeitig war er auch Gastredner an der Oxford Universität.

Wayne Houchin präsentiert moderne Zauberei aus seiner Ein-Mann-Show: Er dringt in den Close-Up Bereich, in die Salon- und die Zauberei auf der Bühne ein.

Dabei liegt einer der Schwerpunkte seines Seminars auf einfachen Tricks mit Fingerfertigkeit und überraschenden Methoden. Nadeln, Schnüre, Ballons, Papier und vieles mehr sind nur einige der diversen Gegenstände seiner Effekte.

Natürlich stellt er einige seiner Effekte vor, die sich auf dem Markt befinden, aber er präsentiert auch brandneue und noch nicht veröffentlichte Effekte. Wer noch mehr über Wayne Houchin erfahren möchte, findet weiter unten auf dieser Seite eine kurze Biografie :)

Video // Magic, Wonder, Love: https://vimeo.com/181534658

Video // Magic in the Middle East: https://vimeo.com/18758220

Termine: im September 2017

Die Tournee ist abgesagt! Wayne hat wichtige Produktionstermine für seine neue TV Serie/Show und muss daher leider die Tour absagen!

Wayne Houchin
Magician, Performance Artist, Retired Super Hero

“The more you pay attention to what he's doing, the more you can't help but think you are watching something extraordinary in the making." The Synthesis Magazine wrote that about Wayne Houchin in 2004. He has since become one of the most popular magicians in the world - astonishing audiences in more than 20 countries.

Wayne Houchin grew up in a small town in Northern California. An early interest in music and art led to weekly piano lessons and occasional recitals. Learning to play the piano eventually gave Wayne confidence to pursue another one of his interests: magic.

In 1999 Houchin made headlines by escaping from a straitjacket while hanging 50 feet above an intersection packed with thousands of people - he was 16 years old. A few critically acclaimed theatre shows later, he found himself on the front page again – this time for accurately predicting the exact outcome of the Super Bowl. Next it was being blindfolded with duct tape and driving safely down Highway 99 in Northern California for Synthesis Magazine. Young, ambitious and charismatic, Houchin has a history of pushing himself.

Wayne's original sleight-of-hand magic has delighted non-magicians and magicians alike. He worked with Criss Angel on the hit TV show Mindfreak, co-founded a popular magic website and has headlined at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. As part of the Curiosidades team, he made history in 2010 by stopping time in the Dominican Republic - for the entire nation! The illusion was broadcast on live national television to a captivated and stunned audience.

One year later Houchin again garnered national attention, this time by executing an epic dual escape in Santo Domingo with his wife, Frania. Strapped into regulation straitjackets and suspended 100 feet in the air by two cranes, Wayne and Frania successfully escaped while hanging above a crowd of several thousand. The stunt was dedicated to victims of domestic violence and garnered national attention in the Dominican Republic.

His vision for the future is expansive and each success only serves to increase his drive.

Website: http://www.waynehouchin.com